Eightsix Sunday Supper Club lamb shoulder

Eightysix – Sunday Supper Club @ Winning Appliances

Have you heard of the Sunday Supper Club? It is held once a month at the Winning Appliances showroom in Kingston. Hosted by HerCanberraโ€™s Amanda Whitley, a different eatery cooks up a multi-course supper for roughly 24 guests. I got to go on the night that Eightysix was cooking with fellow foodie friends. I step […] Read more…

Din Tai Fung rainbow giant xiao long bao dumpling

Giant soup dumpling @ Din Tai Fung (Sydney)

Every now and then, Din Tai Fung (DTF) make turn their amazing xiao long baos (soup dumplings) into one giant dumpling! We recently went up to Sydney and made a beeline for DTF at World Square. As part of Sydneyโ€™s Vivid Festival, DTF produced rainbow-coloured giant dumplings for a few weeks. We ordered one giant […] Read more…

Superbao Dickson oreo bao dessert

A Super Bao Dinner in Dickson

Super Bao started off as a food stall around the Canberra markets scene, and have now opened its own shop in Dickson. My foodie friends and I went to check it out one night. We spotted a mocktail carafe on the drinks menu, and ordered the strawberry fauxito carafe. Tasty but with all the ice, […] Read more…

Koi Dessert Bar mushroom dessert

Just Desserts @ Koi Dessert Bar

While in Sydney, I booked myself into Koi for the โ€˜Just Dessertsโ€™ degustation ($65 for 5 courses). There was choice of a drinks pairing for an additional cost, but as I needed to find dinner later on, I was happy with dessert only. It was 5.30pm on a week night so the upstairs dining area […] Read more…

Ginseng Hellenic Club yum cha

Yum Cha @ Ginseng at the Hellenic Club

Located upstairs at the Hellenic Club in Woden, Ginseng offers yum cha every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The place is buzzing and busy by 11.30am (when yum cha commences) and I double check my watch to see how late I am. How are there so many people already eating? We are seated in the partitioned […] Read more…

Rick Stein at Bannisters warm seafood plate

Seafood lunch @ Rick Stein at Bannisters (Mollymook)

On a trip to Wollongong, we drove the long way to make a few stops on the way. One of these stops was Mollymook as we got a last minute cancellation for a 2pm lunch reservation at Rick Stein at Bannisters. Located right on a cliff overlooking the ocean, the restaurant is known as a […] Read more…

Gelato Messina Gelato Appreciation class tiramisu

Gelato Appreciation Class @ Gelato Messina Braddon

I was booked into Gelato Messinaโ€™s Gelato Appreciation Class in May (as a Christmas gift) which started at 9.30am until 12.00 noon. I was looking forward to two and half hours of gelato-making and taste-testing. Some small tables had been set up inside and as I was there on my own, I was paired up […] Read more…

Beef and Barley Kingston Foreshore Burger High Tea

Burger High Tea @ Beef & Barley

I booked four of us into Beef & Barleyโ€™s Burger High Tea a few weeks ago. There was a half-price deal available on Cudo (it might still be available) so I figured it was the perfect time to try it out. The burger high tea comes with one beer/wine/soft drink/milkshake per person. Two x three-tiered […] Read more…

Le Banneton Vientiane Laos pastries

Eating in Laos – Part 1 – French bakeries and breakfasts in Vientiane

In February 2019, we visited our friends living in Vientiane, the capital of Laos for a week. We had previously visited Laos in 2016, but had only stayed in Luang Prabang further up north. Laos is very much a developing country. There are still plenty of dirt roads, some with no names, but new concrete […] Read more…

Solita Pizza and Pasta baked pasta

Solita Pizza & Pasta Bar

Solita Pizza and Pasta Bar is a joint venture between Braddonโ€™s Pastaโ€™d and 10 inch Custom Pizzeria. The restaurant is located on the corner of East Row and London Circuit, right near the Civic bus interchange at Baileyโ€™s Corner. We were told that the pizzas are now 12 inch rather than 10. My friends and […] Read more…