Home Delivery – La Baguette by R&M

It’s a bit of a distance for me to get to La Baguette by R&M, the French bakery located the ANU School of Arts which is usually only open Monday-Friday.

But it’s now much easier to get a hold of La Baguette’s baked goodies during this Covid life as they offer home deliveries! With the minimum amount for deliveries at $20 and the delivery fee only $5 across Canberra, it’s a good deal.

I found La Baguette’s website https://labaguetteshop.com.au/ really easy for ordering breads, pastries, a croque madam (that you can bake at home), pasties, quiches, home cooked meals and general groceries.

I ordered the baguette ($5), plain ($4) and almond croissant ($7.50), a mini raisin scroll ($3.90), and a slice of fruit tart ($5.90) which is left as a surprise and I discover later on that it’s apple.

La Baguette by R&M home delivery

Of course everything is delicious!

La Baguette by R&M tart

At this stage, there are deliveries on

  • Tuesdays (after 4pm) – orders must be received by midday Monday
  • Saturdays (between 6am-10.30am) – orders must be received by midnight Wednesday
  • Sundays (between 6am-10.30am) – orders must be received by midnight Thursday

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