Mr Scroll @ Old Bus Depot Markets

On a lazy Sunday morning, I was blogging at home when my partner J, who was at the Old Bus Depot Markets, texted me a photo of a new stall Mr Scroll. I immediately raced across the road to get my scroll fix. There were 9 different types of scrolls on display that day for approximately $5.50 each. The first thing I noticed was the size of the scrolls – they are bigger than my hand and tall which I’m sure most people will appreciate. I did! There are samples available so you can taste test before making the big commitment on which ones you want to buy.

Mr Scroll Oregano Bakery Bus Depot Markets CanberraMr Scroll is a distributor of these amazing scrolls that are actually made by Oregano Bakery in South Hurstville. Being the greedy guts that I am, I chose five scrolls to take home – chocolate cashew, chocolate raspberry and coconut, white chocolate mocha, cookies and cream, and the original cinnamon ($5 or 3 for $14). The bakery is famous for this cinnamon scroll with people from far and wide travelling to the bakery. The bakery churns out more than 35,000 scrolls a week as stated in this Broadsheet article.

Mr Scroll Oregano Bakery Bus Depot marketsI’m going to start with my two favourites of the five. This was the cookies and cream (above: bottom left) and the white chocolate mocha (above right). The cookies and cream icing is thick, sweet and tastes exactly like cookies and cream. It was love at first bite! I found the portion of icing and filling to scroll ratio cleverly appropriate. It was just right. I love drinking my mochas and was delighted with the white chocolate mocha scroll. A nice hit of coffee in the first instance, followed by the sweet white chocolate. The scroll itself is soft and fresh with multiple layers of scroll and excellent filling between the layers making it more moist and delicious. My tastebuds were seriously excited.

Mr Scroll Oregano Bakery layersThe chocolate cashew scroll wasn’t like the others. It was a lot more doughy which was disappointing and we left this aside after one bite. I couldn’t see or taste any cashews but perhaps these were grounded up finely. The cinnamon scroll is heaven – soft, fluffy, sweet and dusted with icing sugar on top. I can see why it’s the best selling scroll. Best of all, it was completely moist. You know how you get some scrolls that are hard and dry around the edges? This one wasn’t like that. Completely soft. Definitely a winner and great with a cup of tea. The chocolate raspberry and coconut was basically a lamington in scroll form. Again, very soft, fresh and moist. But I couldn’t see or taste any raspberry.

Mr ScrollSome people were buying a dozen or more scrolls, so better get in early. Other scroll flavours include tahini and sesame, salted caramel, nutella and banana, honey and walnut, and fig and almond. Unfortunately, I don’t think there are any gluten-free options. Edit: I’ve just been informed by a lovely reader that they do make 4 types of gluten free bread.

Mr Scroll Bus Depot Markets CanberraMr Scroll will aim to be at the Old Bus Depot Markets every week, but it’s best to check his Facebook page as he will put up a post on when he will be there next. Mr Scroll is also delivering within the Canberra metro area on Monday’s only, minimum orders apply. My favourites so far are the cinnamon scroll, cookies and cream, and white chocolate mocha scroll. Seriously sinful but you won’t regret it.

Foodgasm 9/10
Value for money 10/10
Service 10/10

FPJ score 29/30

If you want more random photos and updates about food, I’m on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Facebook: /foodpornjournal
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4 comments on Mr Scroll @ Old Bus Depot Markets

  1. Monique
    June 23, 2015 at 10:19 pm (10 years ago)

    Hi, these look amazing. I followed your link to the Facebook page and apparently he does do 4 types of gluten free bread.
    I love your blog and have it on my feedly so I don’t miss any of your posts.

    • FoodPornJournal
      June 24, 2015 at 6:29 am (10 years ago)

      Hi Monique, thanks for letting me know re the GF bread. I’ll update the post. And thanks for reading my blog! I’m glad you enjoy it 🙂 Feedly is awesome.

  2. michaela
    June 25, 2015 at 9:17 am (10 years ago)

    Yum! i was at the Old bus depot market on that same sunday but didnt have cash on me at the time. i have a list of cafes/resutaurants that i want to try and they are mostly from your page LOL. your website is dangerous (in a good way) it makes me so hungry and have cravings. !

    • FoodPornJournal
      June 25, 2015 at 9:20 pm (10 years ago)

      Haha thanks for the kind comments. I have a huge list of cafes/restaurants I’m yet to try too! Thanks for reading my blog 🙂


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